Jose Deluna

Jose Deluna

Flamenco Guitarist and Composer


Sunday, December 12, 2010


At the end we could make a real meditation session just by organizing a timetable during we could focus on the main technique or interpretation areas. To get a real mediatation session you have to design a complex practice session focusing in sensations on your hands.  I experienced in twenty years of teaching that most important and diffcult obstacle to get over is a right practice. Most people think that to play guitar is the same that study it. Wrong, it is completely different. When you study guitar you have to keep in mind many advices the teacher gives you in order to internalize this concepts and goes straight to the subconcious. To achive this objetive you have to study slowly for a long period of time and after years of practice fortunately you should be able to incorporate them in real time. I mean something that you have to understand is that understanding in music study is much faster than internalize the concepts. To internalize this advices or concepts teachers had been encouraging their students to repeat and repeat. Believe me that a good comprenhension sometimes turn out in a handicap for a student. For this reason many students overrate themselfs and that is a huge error for the learning process

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